Victory Ranked Series by BSE
Locations are signed up through their NADO Franchisee. Franchisees should contact NADO with a list of locations where they would like the VRS Tournament downloaded. We will then include your locations into the NADO/BSE VRS Program. NADO has exclusive rights to Bullshooter Europe events in the U.S. and Canada.
For a list of locations currently signed up, click here.
VRS (Victory Ranked Series) is a series of promotions that allow a competition to take place regardless of the traditional or online leagues. It is a system that can be played by anyone, at any time. It is based on an average system in which the program takes the best games played, creates an average and then classifies the player according to their MPR / PPD. VRS allows players to play when they want, and does not oppose a schedule, local customs, holidays or other leagues. VRS promotions are designed so that players of any level can participate and are able to win prizes.
Players must have or create a BullShooter Live account to participate.
How to participate in VRS:
1- Access the championship mode on your G3 machine
2- Enter the Victory Ranked Series (VRS) menu
3- Select the competition you wish to play
4- Mark the option to start playing
5- Enter your HotButton in the slot of your G3
6- Once the system has been recognized just press on "Start game"
* All games are reviewed and refereed. Those players who have been detected cheating will be completely disqualified from the competition.
Bullshooter Europe's Victory Ranked Series Page:
Finished Events Standings:
* Calendar subject to possible changes. Some events only open to European players.

TOP 16
Players must have a BullShooter Live account and an established VRS MPR average. If they do not have an established VRS MPR average, they must play a minimum of 15 games in the VRS Open Cricket format.
- Top 16.1 consists of 3 qualifiers. Each qualifier will last a month. Cricket Qualifier 1 runs January, Cricket Qualifier 2 runs February, and 501 Qualifier runs March.
- Finals are on April 12th and 13th, 2025.
- 4 levels of play.
- To earn points in each qualifier, players must complete a minimum of 10 games. There is no maximum limit for the number of games played. At the end of the minimum 10 games, the MPR or PPD average will be calculated based on the best 5 games the player has played during that qualifier. Players will be ranked in an overall ranking by levels according to the following criteria:
* Level 1: VRS MPR 4.6 or higher
* Level 2: VRS MPR between 3.6 and 4.6
* Level 3: VRS MPR between 2.7 and 3.6
* Level 4: VRS MPR between 1.0 and 2.7
- At the end of the three qualifiers, the top 16 players in each level with the highest points will advance to play in a final bracket. To be eligible for the finals, a player must have participated in a minimum of 2 out of the 3 qualifiers, regardless of the final score achieved.
Standings are available here. Rules are available here.

Open Ranking Top Player
- This competition is open to all players. Players can obtain a VRS MPR average after completing a minimum of 10 games. To qualify for this competition, players must complete at least 10 games.
- The competition consists of 12 qualifiers, each lasting one month. During each qualifier, players must play a minimum of 10 games to earn points. There is no maximum limit on the number of games.
- At the end of each qualifier, players will be ranked in a general leaderboard, ordered from highest to lowest based on the VRS MPR obtained from their best 5 games during that qualifier.
- Points will be awarded to players who achieve one of the winning positions in the ranking in each qualifier: 1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.
- At the end of the 12 qualifiers, players can redeem their points for exclusive prizes:
* 10 points: Official Player Polo + Registration Pack for 1 BullShooter Europe 2026 event + Dart Towel
* 8 points: Official Player Polo + Registration Pack for 1 BullShooter Europe 2026 event
* 6 points: Official Player Polo
Standings are available here. Rules are available here.

BullShooter T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
- Three chances to win a BullShooter T-Shirt - April, July, and November 2025. One chance to win a BullShooter Sweatshirt - December 2025.
- This competition is designed for all levels of play.
- Average of the player's best 5 games during the qualifying period determines overall ranking.
- Players in specific positions in the ranking will get an exclusive BullShooter Europe shirt.
Standings are available here.
Best Country
- New event. More information will posted here when available.
Standings are available here.