FAQs-NADO Daily Remote Tournaments

What is a NADO Daily Remote Tournament (NDRT)?

  • These are remote dart tournament events operated by the NADO office on the Franchisee’s electronic dart boards that participate in NADO Member Player Rewards Program.
  • These events are capped/handicapped Singles events and uncapped handicapped Bring Your Partner Doubles events. Players must register online through NADO’s registration program by 4 pm central time the day of each tournament.
  • NADO players are awarded 1 National Player Rewards Points (NPRPs) for each NADO Daily Remote Tournament (NDRT) in which they participate. These points are awarded in the league participation points category up to a maximum of 60 participation points per season.
  • NDRT points also count towards qualifying for the Spectacular Saturday quarterly tournaments.
  • NDRTs do not award bonus points for winning.


Are the NDRTs just open to NADO players or can anyone play?

  • They are open to players who have an established NADO rating and have played at least 48 league games in the previous 12 months.
  • Player ratings are determined by using the highest PPD and MPR found from qualifying league and tournament play. Qualifying play means 24 or more games per type in a league event. More information regarding NADO ratings can be found here.  


Are there other specific rules regarding NDRTs?

  • If multiple teams are playing at one location, there must be a separate dart board available for each team.
  • At least one person on the team must be able to view the bracket and score the match on Compusport and communicate with the bracket and tournament manager using GroupMe.
  • Other rules are available here.  


How are NDRTs tracked?

  • NADO will use the online Compusport program to track NDRT attendance and results.


 What is the Gold Rush?

  • The Gold Rush bounty is an additional way to win money on certain events by paying into the Gold Rush Prize Fund at event registration, making your team a Prospector Team.
  • Teams do not have to join the Gold Rush to play in the events.
  • The afternoon after the event, a “Mine Boss” team will be chosen by way of a formula using the Illinois Lottery’s Pick 3.
  • Prospector teams can then win part of the Gold Rush Pool if they are the Mine Boss team and won the tournament.
  • More information on the Gold Rush Prize Pool and the Mine Boss Team selection process can be found here.


As a player what should I do?

  • The most important aspect is participation. This is a player participation rewards program.
  • Track your points online at NADO.net.
  • Have fun.