Remote League Rules

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Regulations and Rights

  1. Upon acceptance of the NADO fees and league fees; franchise holders, teams and individuals shall be entitled to the rights of and be subject to league rules and regulations as established by the league.
  2. To assure good sportsmanship, a team or individual may be expelled for misconduct, poor sportsmanship or any reason considered disruptive or detrimental.
  1. The location will provide the dart board at the designated time and will retain the right to remove a player or players for misconduct.
  1. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed to play in NADO REMOTE DART LEAGUES. If caught --- all games that the offending illegal player participated in will be forfeited.
  1. Bars will not charge a cover to dart players during league play. Abuse of equipment, poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct may be grounds for a forfeiture of a game, a match or expulsion from the league.
  1. No player, team, or team captain may refuse to let any player on the opposing team play regardless of eligibility. Notify the NADO manager of any situations that may arise and the NADO manager will investigate and deal with the situation accordingly. (This rule does not apply to a player that has been barred from an establishment or a player who is under 18 years of age).
  1. Any distraction of players is forbidden. Common sense and good sportsmanship are to be used to cover any questions that may arise during a match that are not covered explicitly in these rules.
  1. The NADO disciplinary board will investigate complaints of player conduct. Depending on the severity of his or her conduct infraction, a player may be ejected for that season from the league for one infraction. A player with three infractions will be ejected permanently.



These dart league matches can only be played on Arachnid G3 dart boards owned and operated by NADO Franchisees. Select the league that you wish to register for and complete the form. Event start dates are estimated. The team captain will be notified by email of the exact start date. Player Phone numbers are mandatory for League Communication. MUST BE 18 TO REGISTER!

The caps are based on when the team registers. We update ratings every night. Therefore, a team can exceed the cap after registration or during a league schedule.

Player’s Responsibility

It is the player’s responsibility to verify that their NADO Player Ranking is correct when signing up for Remote Leagues or Remote Tournaments. With that responsibility they need to verify that the Player Rating is the highest rating listed. Players may have multiple listings for their average, based on being listed numerous times from their perspective NADO Franchisees players account, due to misspelling, proper names, and nicknames. Some players may play for numerous Franchisees which will show listings for each Franchisee played for. When searching your name on the NADO Players Rankings page, make sure you are only listed once, and you may need to search for multiple spellings of your name to make sure you have the highest average listed. NADO reserves the right to refuse entries, forfeit matches or make judge mental decisions on circumstances that may arise when mistakes are made.


General Rules

  1. Locations may only have one (1) team per dart board per remote league. If a location has more teams than allotted dart boards, the teams will be awarded the location by the order which they signed up. If there are two teams playing each other in the same location, they may elect to play head-to-head on the same board instead of remotely.
  1. Players may use their own darts, if they meet NDA requirements.   No broken or cut off tips allowed. Maximum weight of a dart is 20 grams. Otherwise, bar darts will be supplied by each location operating a game.
  1. All games shall have a foul line positioned 96 inches horizontally from the face of the board. All players must stand with both feet no closer than the front edge of the line. They may step on, but not over the line. They may lean over the line. A player may cross the line on the throw, but the dart must hit the board before his foot touches on the other side of the line. Anyone caught crossing over the line illegally will need to be reported to the NADO manager. The report needs to state what game you are playing, who committed the infraction, and what part of the game. (ex. Game 6 Cricket John Smith in the middle of game stepped over the line) the NADO manager will review after the match is complete. If there is conclusive evidence that an infraction occurred, then the team will lose that game.
  1. Each player is allowed only three throws per turn. If a dart misses the board or does not stick, it is still counted as a throw. No player may have a “do over.” A dart thrown that sticks in the board but does not score may not be manually scored.


Captain’s Duties

  1. Team captains must completely fill out all information for all players on the NADO website. If the registration is not filled out completely, it may result in failure of notice of league proceedings (example: rescheduled matches, meetings, player spot/points off handicap, and entry of player names into dart boards, etc.). All captains must have a working cell phone number.
  1. Team captains are responsible for team fees, team’s conduct, verification of stats, rescheduling of matches and filing of protests or complaints. The team is also responsible for total team money regardless of how many players show up to play. When matches are not played, except in the case of a bye, all fees must still be paid.
  1. Team members must put all league money into the board before the start of the match or they do not play.
  1. It is the team captain’s responsibility to instruct his/her players as to all league rules and requirements. Captains must read and understand the rules and make decisions for his/her team according to those rules. All captains should be in contact with the other team 30 minutes prior to start time. The captains or acting captains from each team will try to settle any disputes that may arise during the match. All disputes that cannot be worked out by the two captains during the match shall be turned over to the NADO manager and, if not covered by the rules, will be turned over to the NADO Remote League Committee for a ruling.(see protest) it is always the captain’s prerogative to work out problems that may arise during a night’s play, but this is not binding to the league if it differs from the league rules. Captain's prerogative does not cover any player action that can skew averages. No player may shoot under another player's name/average.
  1. Team captains must notify the NADO manager of all changes.
  1. Captains are responsible for calling the NADO office if a player that does not appear on the player standings needs to be added to their team. Failure to do so may result in spot darts/handicap points not being credited to that player who may be entitled to them on the first night they shoot. The website can be used when determining an average on league night.


  1. The schedules will appear on our website and the dart board screens of the locations involved in that league prior to the start of league play.
  1. All games that must be rescheduled must be done by the mutual consent of both team captains and the location owner. Captains are responsible for calling the opposing team captain to reschedule a match. If unable to contact the opposing team captain, call NADO office by 11:30 a.m. the day of the scheduled match in order to obtain any other information helpful to reach the opposing team captain in order to reschedule. The NADO office must be notified as to the date of a rescheduled match. Make up games must be completed on or before each scheduled makeup game week except for the last 2 weeks of the season, which is only one week after the end of the league. Under extenuating circumstances, the NADO office may decide that the circumstances were beyond the control of the players and schedule a makeup game. The decision as to if the circumstances were extenuating lies within the NADO office only and that decision is final.
  1. No team may have more than 2 makeup games at any time.  Once a team has 3 makeup games, they may be subject to removal from the league unless the NADO office determines otherwise.
  1. If an accident, bad weather, or extenuating circumstances prevail, the affected team may call the opposing team captain before the start of the match and receive a one (1) hour grace period or may reschedule the match. The NADO office also reserves the right to postpone matches due to weather.
  1. Byes do not have to be paid for and no points are awarded. In the case of a forfeit, all fees must still be paid.
  1. The following holidays will be observed no matches played:  New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Superbowl Sunday, Easter, St Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  2. All league matches must be made up within 2 weeks of completion of league. If a match is not forfeited or completed, then both teams will be forfeited and both teams will be responsible for their league dues and receive zero (0) wins. If a forfeited match is not recorded by this time, it will also result in being responsible for league dues and zero (0) wins. Under special circumstances deemed by NADO this can be extended only one week.


The Team

  1. The number of players on a team is determined by the league format (i.e., singles, doubles, triples or four- person.
  1. Any player may be used, provided such player has not played for any other team in the same league during the current season. If any team is dissolved during the season, its’ players in good standing may join other teams in the league, unless the dissolution of the team is due to unsportsmanlike or other unacceptable conduct.
  1. Open leagues - unlimited substitutes are allowed up until the last 4 weeks of the season. During the last 4 weeks of play, all players playing each night must have played previously in the season. They must be equal to or lesser than the person they are replacing. The penalty is loss of all games the new player participated in.
  1. Capped leagues - a substitute on a capped league must not take the team over the cap for the league. During the last 4 weeks of play, all players playing each night must have played previously in the season. They must be equal to or lesser than the person they are replacing. The penalty is loss of all games the new player participated in. Substitutes are allowed only if they have not already played for any other team in that league’s season. During any given season, once a player/sub has played for a team, they belong to that team until that season is finished.
  1. Players cannot switch teams until the end of the current league season. No player may shoot for more than one team on any given league night. Although, players are permitted to shoot for different teams on different nights. The reason being that each night is an independent league.
  1. It is recommended that all teams have always substitutes available.
  1. Special circumstances - during leagues there are sometimes special circumstances due to various reasons (moving, family sickness, etc.). When this occurs the NADO office always has the right to approve team members at any time.

Team Matches

  1. Start time varies from league to league. A team will have a twenty (20) minute grace period from the regular scheduled time of the league. If a team shows up late, the opposing team captain may, but is not required to, enforce the following penalties: if a team doesn’t call within 20 minutes and arrange with opposing team captain to start later than 1 hour from scheduled match start time or show up at all, refer to forfeits.  If the option to forfeit games has been decided upon, the team captain receiving the forfeited games will record the forfeit through the dart board paying all league fees for their team and is then required to call the NADO office the following morning so that the NADO office can verify the forfeit. The absent team will still owe league fees and will be responsible for paying them. If they are not paid, they will be deducted from their league payouts.
  1. Since this is remote play both cameras must be working. If the cameras are not working when you start or fail during the match you will need to change boards. You should hit the up arrow to suspend the match so that you will not have to pay league dues again. Do not cancel the match. If there are no other boards available, you will have a fifteen (15) minute grace period to travel to another location. You will need to contact the NADO manager on duty so the new locations boards can be loaded. If the next location is further than 15 minutes, then you will need to talk to the opposing team to reschedule. In order to resume the match at least one team must be on an original board that the match was started on.
  1. If a player is missing at the start of the match the captain will have to decide whether to use his player or a “blind.” If the captain uses his player, then the player who is absent at the start of the match arrives late, the player may shoot at any time the board says it is their turn. Until the time of their arrival anytime the board is displaying their turn it must be skipped. If using a “blind” then the captain will manually score a hat trick first round for “01” games and then skip the player for the rest of the game. Cricket games the player will be skipped all rounds to finish match. No player may replace a starting player once the match has started.
  1. If a player leaves early, then you will skip the player in all games to finish the match.
  1. A team may play with a minimum of 1 original player.
  1. A match consists of x number of games depending on format decided upon by the NADO office.
  1. New players that do not appear on the team roster must be added by calling the NADO office to have them added into the computer or added manually on the dart board prior to play. If done manually, first and last names must be entered. Remember that if a new sub/player has previously played NADO leagues, they may be entitled to handicap points/spot darts if shooting in a handicap league. They may be entitled to handicap on their first night of play. Please call the NADO office to add them into the computer and then download the boards with the appropriate handicap. The website can be used when determining an average on league night.
  1. Overachieving player - any player that is in a capped league and overachieves their average by 25% or more will be subject to removal from the league. The new player must fit with their partner in the capped event they are playing.
  1. Sanction fee: there are no sanction fees with NADO; however, there will be some NDA only leagues in the future. There is a once-a-year National Dart Association sanctioning fee to be paid to your NDA operator to compete. The sanctioning fee covers all players starting September 1st through August 31st. Players must be sanctioned and have shot 96 games in order to play in the national tournament in Las Vegas. There may also be state sanction fees that vary from state to state to allow players to play in the state events for your games to qualify and these rules vary from state to state.
  1. League fees will be $20 per player per match for singles. $40 team fee for doubles.
  1. Standardized payouts.

Play of the Game

  1. If there are two teams playing in one night from same location, the team that arrives first will have their choice of dart boards. We will go by the rule the dart board is always right. If the machine is not operating correctly, the captains will either decide to call a repairman and wait for repairs, play on another machine in the same location, or reschedule the match.
  1. All games shall have a foul line positioned 96 inches horizontally from the face of the board. All players must stand with both feet no closer than the front edge of the line. They may step on, but not over the line. They may lean over the line. A player may cross the line on the throw, but the dart must hit the board before his foot touches on the other side of the line. Anyone caught crossing over the line illegally will need to be reported to the NADO manager. The report needs to state what game you are playing, who committed the infraction, and what part of the game. (ex. Game 6 Cricket John Smith in the middle of game stepped over the line) the NADO manager will review after the match is complete. If there is conclusive evidence that an infraction occurred, then the team will lose that game.
  1. “301/501/701”: Each player begins with a score of “301, 501 or 701”. The object is to count down from “301, 501 or 701” points to reach the exact score of zero (0) before your opponents without being frozen. When playing in leagues, each team will consist of one, two, three or four players depending on league format. All players will pair up and play the leagues’ designated number of games each week.

    Cricket: the object of the game is to close all numbers and be ahead in points before your opponents. The numbers to close are 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and bullseye. Three marks on each number will close them. To score points any number that you have closed, and your opponents don’t, can be scored on. You must first close the number before your opponent, then any marks after that and until your opponent closes the number, count as segment value (single, double and triple).

    The matches have assigned spots for players; these spots correspond with the player names given at the setup of the match when selecting player order. All players must follow the dart board set-up. Each player that starts that night’s play shall finish that night’s play (no substitution after the match has started). Each player is allowed only three throws per turn. If a dart misses the board or does not stick, it is still counted as a throw. No player may have “do overs.”  A player may pass any or all their darts for their turn. The score given by the dart machine is the final. Teams will alternate each week, playing one “home game” then one “away game,” schedule permitting.
  1. The freeze rule is in effect for all freeze (4 score) “01” games. Definition of freeze rule: a player cannot attempt to take any “01” game out (reach a zero score) if their partner’s score is higher than the two opponents scores combined. You may take the game out if your partner’s score is equal to or less than the two opponents’ combined scores. If a player is in the position to take a game out and their partner has them “frozen,” that player can shoot as many of the three darts that they can to get their score as low as possible without taking the game out or pass their turn entirely. If a player takes a game out when they are “frozen,” they lose the game. No individual win points or assists will be given to the opposing team players. They will get a team win for forfeit of that game.
  1. “01” games may be played with absent players. The spot vacant being named “blind” at match setup. “Blind” must be entered in place of the missing player in the dart board before the match begins. When “blind” appears for the first time in a “301” game’s player spot, the team captain will manually score three (3) bullseyes to bring the “blind” spot to “151”. This is done in the first round only and the “blind” spot will remain at “151” for the rest of that game. “501” games are handled in the same manner as “301” games except that the score will stay at “351” for the remainder of that game. The “151/351” rule does not apply to stacked “01” games (both players playing on the same score). If a player shows up late for the match, they are permitted to shoot in their next designated turn if their name was entered at match setup. In the event that a player must leave during the match, he/she must notify both captains and their turn will be passed in the remaining games. In Cricket games, the “blind” spot will be passed each time.
  1. Darts thrown into the outer ring of the dart board count double the normal point value and those thrown into the inner ring of the dartboard count as triple the normal point value. A bullseye counts as fifty (50) points in “01” games. All other areas count as single values. When playing Cricket and “01” with a split bull, the red part of the bullseye counts as one mark or twenty-five (25) points. The black part of the bullseye will count as two (2) marks or fifty (50) points.
  1. Darts may not be thrown until the machine instructs "throw dart". Any dart thrown early is counted as a throw and player forfeits any point value. Darts on board cannot be touched until turn is over and "player change" appears on dart board screen. If any of the player’s three (3) darts miss the board, the red button must be pushed for “player change” before the player can pull his/her darts from the dart board. If a player accidentally wins a game while pulling a dart out of the board, the penalty will be the loss of that game. NADO does not use the “Shooters Advantage” rule.

    Dart Board Malfunctions: The score registered on the Dart Board will be considered FINAL in ALL discrepancies.
    Darts that do not register are considered a malfunction of the dart board.
    Manually scored darts could result in loss of game.
  1. If, in team play, a player throws on his/her teammates score, the backup button may be used to reset the game to the proper player’s turn. If not noticed for several rounds the opposing team must contact the NADO manager to report this occurrence. The report needs to state what game you are playing, who committed the infraction, and what part of the game. (ex. Game 6 Cricket John Smith in the middle of game stepped over the line) the NADO manager will review after the match is complete. If there is conclusive evidence that an infraction occurred, then the team will lose that game.
  1. If you feel there is a problem, pause the game, contact the NADO manager and opposing team via text message or phone call, take a screenshot of board if possible. The game can be paused by hitting the up arrow on your throw. If it is the opponents turn, they must be the one to pause the game.

    If someone accidentally scores a dart, then immediately stop the game by pressing the up button on the board to pause it.  Then establish communication with the opposing team to resolve the issue. If you are the one that notices the missed score, then pause the game after your opponent shoots. If your opponent shoots and takes the game out, then the miscounted dart will be taken into consideration. It is encouraged to take a screen shot to help explain the situation. If the miscounted dart would not change the game, then the game will stand. If it does change the game contact the NADO manager for assistance.
  1. Total team wins will determine final standings.


  1. Any team that shows up for a match twenty (20) minutes after the scheduled start time will forfeit for that night unless they have made prior arrangements with the opposing team captain to start late. The team receiving the forfeit will receive a credit of seventy-five (75) percent of the games that would have been played that night. Player fees must still be paid by both teams. The team that is there must enter the dart board a forfeited match.
  1. Any team that receives a forfeit must call the NADO office and explain why they are entitled to a forfeit. The league department will, after determining that the team is indeed entitled to a forfeit, approve the forfeited match that was entered into the board. Any fees still owed will be taken out at the end of the season.


Forfeiting out of the League

  1. Any team that forfeits three times in a season will forfeit out of the league. Any team that forfeits either of the last two weeks of the season will forfeit out of the league.
  1. The team forfeiting out of the league will not be refunded any money that was paid into the league. This money will remain in the prize fund and be distributed to the remaining teams at the end of the season. The forfeiting team will be removed from the league and all previous matches played against the forfeiting team will be treated as a forfeit and awarded all wins. Any team that is scheduled to play them will have to pay their league fees and treat the team as if they forfeited to them. If the team does not find a replacement team, then they are subject to lose 26 NADO points locally and Continentally if the committee deems necessary.


Team Replacement

  1. If a team drops from the league before they have forfeited three times, the location has the prerogative to replace that team with other players. A missed match will become a forfeit. If the team being replaced already has one (1) forfeit, that forfeit will stand. Three (3) forfeits will result in expulsion from the league.
  1. If the location is not able to find replacements for a team dropping from the league, another location may put another team into that spot as long as it is done within two (2) weeks and providing the availability of boards and that it does not cause a scheduling conflict.


NADO Remote League Committee

  1. A NADO Remote League Committee will be established for all leagues. This committee will consist of NADO representatives and Franchisee holders from the organization.
  1. All protests, conduct charges and miscellaneous charges will be reviewed with by the NADO Remote League Committee.
  1. A protest that is clearly defined in the rules will be enforced according to the rules and not by the NADO Remote League Committee.
  1. To cancel a protest, the team captain must notify the NADO office forty-eight (48) hours prior to the protest meeting.


Protest Procedure

  1. Once an entire match is played it becomes official. No protest can be made after the match has been played unless the protest is due to an illegal player. If you have a protest, do not play the match. If the problem occurs after the match has started and it cannot be worked out between the two team captains, do not continue the match. Any games already shot will stand.
  1. Only the team captain has the authority to protest.
  1. A protest must be given to the NADO office in writing within forty-eight (48) hours after the scheduled match. A $50.00 protest fee must accompany the written protest. If no fee is paid, no action will be taken.
  1. A protest meeting will then be scheduled, and the governing board will hear the protest. All members of the NADO Remote League Committee need to attend the protest meeting.
  1. Both teams will present their side to the NADO Remote League Committee, and a vote will be called upon as to the action that will be taken.
  1. If the protest is found valid then their $50.00 will be refunded to them. If not, then the money will be put towards the NDA Junior Tournament fund.
  1. The NADO Remote League Committee will disregard any protest that is not properly presented.



  1. The use of a new player/sub in the last four weeks of the season will result in the loss of all games the illegal player participated in unless approved by the NADO office.
  1. The use of a player whose skill level is above the individual cap or will cause the team to exceed the team cap, will result in the loss of all games that the illegal player participated in.


Handicap Leagues

  1. All new players (subs) to the league come in with 2.4 MPR and 22.0 PPD for men and 1.8 MPR and 17.0 PPD for women if they have not played in any league before. After the first night they shoot, an average will be established, and a handicap will be given. NADO reserves the right to assign an MPR or a PPD to anyone that has not played in our league system but has known ability or stats in other leagues. 
  1. It is possible to start a new season with a handicap on the first night of the new league. At the end of each season, all player averages will be committed to a history file for later use.
  1. If a player who has an established average is going to sub or join a league after it has started, they may call the NADO office to notify us of their intention to shoot. We can then upload their stats into the new league for handicap purposes. If you cannot contact the league department then NADO averages from should be used. 
  1. On forfeit/byes, team points are awarded. Player averages will not be affected.
  1. Players may call the NADO office during business hours 8am-5pm CST to check averages. Players are encouraged to use the NADO website to determine the averages also. After 5:00 there will be a NADO manager on duty to answer all league related questions.
  1. Team captains playing in capped leagues are responsible for making sure the players' averages and team caps are not exceeded. If caps are exceeded, the penalty is loss of all games played by the player with the highest average.


Types of Leagues

  1. Open league: players of any skill level being either male or female.
  1. Mixed league: must have a mixture of males and females.
  1. Handicap league: leagues using reverse handicap.
  1. Remote leagues: leagues that are played on a Galaxy 3 over the internet against other teams in a different location.
  1. Double-in double-out leagues: in this type of league, you cannot use the bull to get in or take out a game.
  1. Double-in double-out split bull leagues: in this type of league, you can use the bull to get in or take out a game. In this game the inner bull is worth 50 and the outer bull is worth 25 and you must hit the double bull to get in or take out.
  1. Team Cricket 400-Team Cricket is very similar to Cricket/200. The main difference is that 4 players play on 2 separate teams.

    Each player earns marks individually, but they use only one score. In order to score points, both teammates need the same number closed. The points each player earns accumulates there.

    Example: Tim and Eric are on a team playing against Joe and Bob. Tim has gone first and was able to close the 20. It’s Joe’s turn next, but he is unable to close anything. Eric’s first dart scores a triple 20! His next two darts score single 20s earning his team 40 points. It is now Bob’s turn.

    In the traditional rules, to win, both teammates must have all the numbers and the bullseye closed and the team must have equal to or more points than their opponents.

    In the new rules, to win, a team needs only one player to have all the numbers and the bullseye closed. They still must have equal to or more points than their opponents.

    As you guessed, the 400 in team Cricket/400 is the spread limit. Team Cricket/400 uses the same feats as Cricket/200.



NADO Hotline (833) 840-9233


Revised 8/20/24