NADO Continental Finale Tournament 2022-2023 Results



Ton 80 Club: $30,000.00

NADO players will have their regular season points combined with their NADO post season points to get their Final NADO Season points total. Players are guaranteed 30 points by playing in the main events at the NADO Finale. They can earn as high as 70 points. Earn 150 points in your local franchisee's reward program regular season and play in all the main events at the NADO Finale and you will reach the Ton 80 Club regardless of skill. All players that reach the Ton 80 Club will get an equal share of the Ton 80 Club pool. This has the effect of guaranteeing some travel funds to those players that reach a minimum level of play in their local markets and then decide to come to the NADO Finale event.

For the 2022-2023 season we paid out an extra $5,000.00 to the Ton 80 Club! 312 players earned over 180 points and were awarded $112.18 each.

These players reached the Ton 80 Club:

 Aaron Wallace - Diltz and Sons  .  Adam Buford - Diltz and Sons  .  Adriana McGill - J & J Amusements North
 Al Pohlman - Superior Vending    Alan Pfeil - Encompass Vending    Alex Hall - Diltz and Sons
 Alex King - J & J Amusements    Alexis Alexander - Diltz and Sons    Alicia Alexander - J & J Amusements
 Amanda Shamhart - J & J Amusements    Andres Gallegos - Diltz and Sons    Andrew McCreery - Diltz and Sons
 Andrew Riehle - Reid Sales Music    Andy Pollock - J & J Amusements    Andy Veres - Pioneer Vending
 Angela Naill - J & J Amusements North    Angi Moran - Diltz and Sons    Angie Patterson - Diltz and Sons
 Anne Johnson - City Amusement    Arthur Braden - City Amusement    Ashlee Thompson - City Amusement
 Ashley Grave - J & J Amusements    Austin Hacker - Pioneer Vending    Austin Shough - Ohio Vending
 Barb Harris - Encompass Vending    Barbara Whiteman - J & J Amusements    Ben VanBoxel - Encompass Vending
 Brad Motley - J & J Amusements    Brad Phillips - Shaffer Entertainment    Brad Ruot - J & J Amusements
 Brad Wheeler - City Amusement    Brad Wilson - Pioneer Vending    Brandi McGauley - J & J Amusements
 Brandon Maher - J & J Amuse. North    Bree Hacker - Pioneer Vending    Brent Bland - J & J Amusements
 Bret Roberts - Diltz and Sons    Brian Dieter - J & J Amusements North    Brian Hastings - J &S Electronics
 Brittany Fitzgerald - City Amusement    Bruce Crabtree - City Amusement    Bruce Griffieth - Pioneer Vending
 Bryan Bigham - City Amusement    Bryan Walker - J & J Amusements    Bryan Youness - Superior Vending
 Cameron King - J & J Amusements    Cammille Matthias - Diltz and Sons    Carl Gibson - J & J Amusements
 Carrie Fiig - Pioneer Vending    Casey Armstrong - J & J Amusements    Casey Willman - J & J Amusements
 Cathy Sutton - J & J Amusements    Celeste King - J & J Amusements    Chandra Buller - J & J Amusements
 Charity Norman - J & J Amusements    Cheryl Marsh - Diltz and Sons    Chris Stoneberger - J & J Amusements
 Chrissy Scheeringa - Diltz and Sons    Christie Randall - Pioneer Vending    Chuck Jones - City Amusement
 Cody Hughes - Midstate Amusement    Cody Willis - J & J Amusements    Cristy Crabtree - City Amusement
 Dale Murphy - Diltz and Sons    Dale White - J & J Amusements    Dan Higginbotham - Pioneer Vending
 Dan Libertowski - Diltz and Sons    Dan Painter - J & J Amusements    Darren Dockemeyer - J & J Amusements
 Darren Ross - J & J Amusements    Darrin Auckland - TNC Amusements    Dave Lattire - Pioneer Vending
 Dave Westphal - J & J Amuse. North    David Banks - J & J Amusements North    David Fiig - Pioneer Vending
 David Trapp - TNC Amusements    Dean Mills - Pioneer Vending    Deanna Derosier - Pioneer Vending
 Deb Porter - Pioneer Vending    Denise Peters - J & J Amusements    Diane Wallace - Diltz and Sons
 Dianna White - J & J Amusements    Donna Leal - Diltz and Sons    Donnie Stuteville - J & J Amusements
 Drew Stipe - Diltz and Sons    Dusty Bergman - Pioneer Vending    Dylan Roewe - J & J Amusements
 Ed Jewell - J & J Amusements    Eddie Evans - City Amusement    Edward Waller - Diltz and Sons
 Elliot McNeal - Diltz and Sons    Eric Fowler - J & J Amusements    Eric Wallace - Diltz and Sons
 Eric Wilson - Pioneer Vending    Erica Hill - J & J Amusements    Ethel Boden - City Amusement
 Felix Rageth - Diltz and Sons    Frank Karmol - Pioneer Vending    Frank LeLoup - Diltz and Sons
 Franky Osborne - City Amusement    Fred Ault - J & J Amusements    Gardner McFadden Jr - Diltz and Sons
 George Daniels - Pioneer Vending    George Diamond - Superior Vending    George Scheeringa - Diltz and Sons
 Gerardo Fuentes - Diltz and Sons    Ginny Matthews - Pioneer Vending    Greg Quinn - Diltz and Sons
 Greg Smith - Diltz and Sons    Hayley Baylor - J & J Amusements    Heidi Gibson - J & J Amusements
 Hope Collier - J & J Amusements    Jake Herd - J & J Amusements     Jalyn Ferguson - City Amusement
 James Jones - Diltz and Sons    James Young - Lawson Music    Jamilah Watson - Diltz and Sons
 Janet Bergfeld - J & J Amusements    Janice Evans - City Amusement    Janis Stidham - Diltz and Sons
 Jason Cash - Pioneer Vending    Jason Dekerr - Diltz and Sons    Jason Kemble - Diltz and Sons
 Jason Tibbits - Superior Vending    Jeff Helmer - Pioneer Vending    Jeff Peterson - TNC Amusements
 Jeff Sotak - Diltz and Sons    Jeffrey Hazelett - City Amusement    Jennifer Bland - J & J Amusements
 Jennifer Carpenter - J & J Amuse. North    Jennifer Lalk - J & J Amusements North    Jenny Pearson - Reid Sales Music
 Jeremy Boden - City Amusement    Jeremy Hinrichsen - Diltz and Sons    Jeremy Neuhaus - J & J Amusements
 Jerod Henry - J & J Amusements North    Jerry Hanlin - J & J Amusements    Jerry Porter - Pioneer Vending
 Jim Brockert - J & J Enterprises    Jimmy Lowe - J & J Amusements    Jimmy Mangus - City Amusement
 Jimmy Morton - J & J Amusements    Jimmy Schnelly - Reid Sales Music    Jo Schultz - J & J Amusements
 Joanna Murphy - Diltz and Sons    Jody Cooney - Encompass Vending    Joey Graciana - J & J Amusements North
 John Armstrong - J & J Amusements    John Hastings - J & J Amuse. North    John Pygott - J & J Amusements
 Johnathan Peppers - Diltz and Sons    Jon Alcantara - J & J Amusements    Jonathan Barrow - J & J Amusements
 Jordan Cross - Pioneer Vending    Jordan Glick - Diltz and Sons    Joseph Scheeringa - Diltz and Sons
 Josh Horton - Diltz and Sons    Josh Morrison - Pioneer Vending    Josh Stoneberger - J & J Amusements
 Joshua James - Diltz and Sons    Judy McMullen - Ohio Vending    Juli Richards - J & J Amusements
 Julie Haskell - J & J Amusements    Julio Reyes - Diltz and Sons    Junlan Fernando - City Amusement
 Justin Hurley - Diltz and Sons    Karen King - J & J Amusements    Karen Mays - City Amusement
 Karl Pohlman - Superior Vending    Kaye Riddle - J & J Amusements    Kayleigh Neuhaus - J & J Amusements
 Keith Arsenault - Lawson Music    Kelli Rinear - Pioneer Vending    Kendra Neuhaus - J & J Amusements
 Kevin Budden - J & J Amuse. North    Kevin Hole - J & S Electronics    Kevin Shoemaker - J & J Amusements
 Kevin Truss - Diltz and Sons    Kiley Andre - City Amusement    Kim Smith - Pioneer Vending
 Kirk Schreiber - Pioneer Vending    Kristin Greene - Pioneer Vending    Kurtis Witherby - J & J Amuse. North
 Kyle Jackson - Pioneer Vending    Kyree Washington - Reid Sales Music    Laneikwa Patterson - TNC Amusements
 Larry Ulrich - Diltz and Sons    Larry Wagner - Diltz and Sons    LeRoy Wozniak - TNC Amusements
 Leticia Wardrip - Diltz and Sons    Lisa McRill - J & J Amusements    Lisa Storm - J & J Amusements
 Lora Pohlman - J & J Amusements    Lorin Riddle - J & J Amusements    Luke Logsdon - TNC Amusements
 Lynn Young - J & J Amusements    Mandy Ruiz - Diltz and Sons    Maria Fuentes - Diltz and Sons
 Maria Leal - Diltz and Sons    Mark Taylor - J & J Amusements    Marlene Jones - J & S Electronics
 Mary Brand - TNC Amusements    Mary Ferguson - Diltz and Sons    Mary Willman - J & J Amusements
 Matt Muchorski - J & J Amusements    Matt Rearick - Diltz and Sons    Matt West - Diltz and Sons
 Meghan Mau - Shaffer Entertainment    Melinda Copley - City Amusement    Melissa Chapman - J & J Amusements North
 Melissa Courtney - J & J Amusements    Melissa Dallmier - J & J Amusements    Melissa Fassoth - Diltz and Sons
 Michael Schieffer - J & J Amusements    Michael Stubblefield - J & J Amuse.    Michelle Jost - J & J Amusements
 Mike Brashear - J & J Amusements    Mike Cawthron - J & J Amusements    Mike Hornby - TNC Amusements
 Mike Janowski - Diltz and Sons    Mike Rothgeb - Diltz and Sons    Mike Sturbaum - Wisconsin P&P Amuse.
 Mike Vinson - J & J Amusements    Mike Whiteman - J & J Amusements    Missy Arredondo - Diltz and Sons
 Mitch Berrum - Superior Vending    Monique Johnson - Diltz and Sons    Nate Hicks - J & J Amusements
 Nick Whitt - City Amusement    Nicki Dieter - J & J Amusements North    Nicole Fuentes - Diltz and Sons
 Oscar Love - Pioneer Vending    Paige Motley - J & J Amusements    Patrick McGinnis - Shaffer Entertainment
 Patrick Spry - City Amusement    Paul Cichos - Diltz and Sons    Paul Rodgers - J & J Amuse. North
 Quentin Howarth - J & J Amuse. North    Rachael Karmol - Pioneer Vending    Rachel Albaugh - Diltz and Sons
 Rhianon Smith - J & J Amusements    Rich King - J & J Amusements    Richard Thompson - Ohio Vending
 Richard Vera - Diltz and Sons    Richy Gandy - City Amusement    Rick Scarberry - City Amusement
 Rob Cote - Shaffer Entertainment    Rob Gallert - Midstate Amusement    Robert Fruin - J & J Amusements
 Robert Oiler - City Amusement    Robert Storms - Reid Sales Music    Robert Young - J & J Amusements
 Rochelle McNeal - Diltz and Sons    Rodney Wilson - Diltz and Sons    Ron Buckner - J & J Amusements
 Ron Smith - Pioneer Vending    Roy Harris - Encompass Vending    Ryan Dallmier - J & J Amusements
 Ryan Watson - Reid Sales Music    Samantha Boivin - TNC Amusements    Sara Schoenheit - J & J Amusements
 Sarah Smythe - J & J Amuse. North    Sean Myers - J &J Amusements    Sean Shemwell - J & J Amusements
 Shain Tooley - J & J Amusements    Shannon Schroeder - Pioneer Vending    Shawn Pohlman - J & J Amusements
 Shelley Archer - Pioneer Vending    Skyler Hutmacher - J & J Amuse. North    Sondra Toomire - City Amusement
 Staci Jacob - Pioneer Vending    Stan Davis - J & J Amusements    Stephanie Ruot - J & J Amusements
 Stephen Rodenberg - J & J Amuse.    Steve Hicks - Diltz and Sons    Steve Hubbard - Pioneer Vending
 Steve Pearson - Reid Sales Music    Steve Stidham - Diltz and Sons    Tammy Hanssen - J & J Amusements
 Teghan Waggoner - Superior Vending    Terry Hall - Diltz and Sons    Thad Bergfeld - J & J Amusements
 Theresa Bradley - Pioneer Vending    Thomas Gallegos - Diltz and Sons    Tierney Cook - Diltz and Sons
 Tiffiny Schwartzkopf - Diltz and Sons    Tim Donahue - J & J Amusements    Tim Kaddatz - TNC Amusements
 Tim Rueckl - Encompass Vending    Tim Stern - J & J Amusements    Timmy Howard - City Amusement
 Todd Laswell - Pioneer Vending    Todd Nelson - J & J Amusements    Tom Deery - Diltz and Sons
 Tom West - J & J Amusements    Tommy Coburn - Shaffer Entertainment    Tone Allen - Diltz and Sons
 Tony Hill - J & J Amusements    Tony Ruiz - Diltz and Sons    Tracy Cottingham - Diltz and Sons
 Travis A Jones - J & S Electronics    Travis Abbiehl - Diltz and Sons    Tricia Morton - J & J Amusements North
 Tyler Montgomery - J & J Amusements    Tyler Thomas - Diltz and Sons    Valerie Tischler - J & J Amusements
 Vicky Kacevicius - J & J Amusements    Vince Storm - J & J Amusements    Wendy Germain - Superior Vending
 William BI Burton - Diltz and Sons    William Boggs - J & J Amusements    Wojciech Baluch - J & J Amusements


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NADO Points Race Bonus Pool: $100,000.00

NADO players will have their regular season points combined with their NADO post season bonus pool race points to get their Final NADO Season points total. Their finishing position within their division will determine the amount of their NADO Continental Bonus Pool Prize Money.


Men's Division A

Rank  Player  Points  Prize
1  Jerod Henry - J & J Amusements North 230 $8,000.00
2  Tyler Thomas - Diltz and Sons 225 $4,000.00
3  George Daniels - Pioneer Vending 222 $2,350.00
3  Johnathan Peppers - Diltz and Sons 222 $2,350.00
5  Bryan Bigham - City Amusement 219 $1,800.00
6  Wojciech Baluch - J &J Amusements 217 $1,700.00
7  Darrin Auckland - TNC Amusements 216 $1,550.00
7  John Hastings - J & J Amusements North 216 $1,550.00
9  Patrick Spry - City Amusement 212 $1,400.00
10  Gerardo Fuentes - Diltz and Sons 210 $1,200.00
10  Patrick McGinnis - Shaffer Entertainment 210 $1,200.00
10  Tyler Montgomery - J & J Amusements  210 $1,200.00
13  Paul Cichos - Diltz and Sons 208 $950.00
13  Timmy Howard - City Amusement 208 $950.00
15  Jimmy Morton - J & J Amusements North 207 $800.00
16  Darren Dockemeyer - J & J Amusements 204 $600.00
16  Jimmy Mangus - City Amusement 204 $600.00
16  Richy Gandy - City Amusement 204 $600.00
19  David Banks - J & J Amusements North 203 $400.00
20  Darren Ross - J & J Amusements 202 $325.00
20  Nick Whitt - City Amusement 202 $325.00
22  Brad Wheeler - City Amusement 201 $193.75
22  Brad Wilson - Pioneer Vending 201 $193.75
22  Larry Ulrich - Diltz and Sons 201 $193.75
22  Ron Buckner - J & J Amusements 201 $193.75
26  Franky Osborne - City Amusement 200 $125.00
26  Jason Kemble - Diltz and Sons 200 $125.00
28  Brian Hastings - J & S Electronics 199 $125.00
28  Jimmy Lowe - J & J Amusements 199 $125.00
28  Rick Scarberry - City Amusement 199 $125.00
31  Andy Pollock - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Cody Willis - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  David Fiig - Pioneer Vending 198 $92.86
31  Fred Ault - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Jeffrey Hazelett - City Amusement 198 $92.86
31  Jordan Cross - Pioneer Vending 198 $92.86
31  Junlan Fernando - City Amusement 198 $92.86
31  Justin Hurley - Diltz and Sons 198 $92.86
31  LeRoy Wozniak - TNC Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Mark Taylor - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Robert Oiler - City Amusement 198 $92.86
31  Ryan Dallmier - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Stan Davis - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
31  Tom West - J & J Amusements 198 $92.86
45  Tim Donahue - J & J Amusements 197 $65.00
46  Bryan Walker - J & J Amusements 196 $65.00
46  Robert Young - J & J Amusements 196 $65.00
46  William BI Burton - Diltz and Sons 196 $65.00
49  Andrew Riehle - Reid Sales Music 195 $65.00
49  Jerry Porter - Pioneer Vending 195 $65.00
49  Kevin Shoemaker - J & J Amusements 195 $65.00
49  Kiley Andre - City Amusement 195 $65.00
49  Rich King - J & J Amusements 195 $65.00
49  Rob Gallert - Midstate Amusement 195 $65.00
55  Jim Brockert - J & J Enterprises 194 $18.75
55  Josh Horton - Diltz and Sons 194 $18.75
55  Mike Brashear - J & J Amusements 194 $18.75
58  David Trapp - TNC Amusements 193 $18.75
58  Travis A Jones - J & S Electronics 193 $18.75
60  Brandon Maher - J & J Amusements North 192 $18.75
60  Jeff Helmer - Pioneer Vending 192 $18.75
60  Josh Morrison - Pioneer Vending 192 $18.75
60  Joshua James - Diltz and Sons 192 $18.75
60  Mike Rothgeb - Diltz and Sons 192 $18.75
60  Mike Vinson - J & J Amusements 192 $18.75
60  Quentin Howarth - J & J Amusements North 192 $18.75
60  Ryan Watson - Reid Sales Music 192 $18.75
60  Sean Myers - J & J Amusements  192 $18.75
60  Shawn Pohlman - J &J Amusements 192 $18.75
60  Tony Hill - J & J Amusements 192 $18.75


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Men's Division B

Rank  Player  Points  Prize
1  George Diamond - Superior Vending 220 $5,300.00
2  Bryan Youness - Superior Vending 219 $2,600.00
3  Dylan Roewe - J & J Amusements 211 $1,800.00
4  Alex King - J & J Amusements 210 $1,500.00
5  Greg Smith - Diltz and Sons 209 $1,300.00
6  Gardner McFadden Jr. - Diltz and Sons 206 $1,200.00
7  John Armstrong - J & J Amusements 203 $1,040.00
7  Michael Stubblefield - J & J Amusements 203 $1,040.00
7  Todd Nelson - J & J Amusements 203 $1,040.00
10  Karl Pohlman - Superior Vending 202 $880.00
11  Andy Veres - Pioneer Vending 201 $765.00
11  Robert Storms - Reid Sales Music 201 $765.00
13  Edward Waller - Diltz and Sons 199 $625.00
13  Oscar Love - Pioneer Vending 199 $625.00
15  Dan Higginbotham - Pioneer Vending 198 $417.50
15  Dave Westphal - J & J Amusements North 198 $417.50
15  Jeff Sotak - Diltz and Sons 198 $417.50
15  Kyree Washington - Reid Sales Music 198 $417.50
19  Jeremy Neuhaus - J & J Amusements 197 $220.00
19  Keith Arsenault - Lawson Music  197 $220.00
19  Richard Vera - Diltz and Sons 197 $220.00
19  Roy Harris - Encompass Vending 197 $220.00
23  Dan Painter - J & J Amusements 196 $120.00
23  Eric Fowler - J & J Amusements 196 $120.00
23  Mike Hornby - TNC Amusements 196 $120.00
26  Kevin Budden - J & J Amusements North 195 $76.66
26  Stephen Rodenberg - J & J Amusements 195 $76.66
26  Steve Pearson - Reid Sales Music 195 $76.66
29  Brent Bland - J & J Amusements 194 $76.66
29  Luke Logsdon - TNC Amusements 194 $76.66
29  Steve Hubbard - Pioneer Vending 194 $76.66
32  Jeremy Hinrichsen - Diltz and Sons 193 $55.00
33  Brad Motley - J & J Amusements 192 $55.00
33  Brian Dieter - J & J Amusements North 192 $55.00
33  Skyler Hutmacher - J & J Amusements North 192 $55.00
36  Bruce Crabtree - City Amusement 191 $55.00
36  Felix Rageth - Diltz and Sons 191 $55.00
36  Jonathan Barrow - J & J Amusements 191 $55.00
36  William Boggs - J & J Amusements 191 $55.00
40  Arthur Braden - City Amusement 190 $55.00
40  Kevin Hole - J & S Electronics 190 $55.00
40  Kirk Schreiber - Pioneer Vending 190 $55.00
40  Thad Bergfeld - J & J Amusements 190 $55.00
44  Carl Gibson - J & J Amusements 189 $31.17
44  Dan Libertowski - Diltz and Sons 189 $31.17
44  Steve Hicks - Diltz and Sons 189 $31.17
44  Thomas Gallegos - Diltz and Sons 189 $31.17
48  Aaron Wallace - Diltz and Sons 188 $31.17
48  Brad Ruot - J & J Amusements 188 $31.17
48  Bruce Griffieth - Pioneer Vending 188 $31.17
48  Dean Mills - Pioneer Vending 188 $31.17
48  Frank LeLoup - Diltz and Sons 188 $31.17
48  George Scheeringa - Diltz and Sons 188 $31.17
48  Greg Quinn - Diltz and Sons 188 $31.17
48  Jake Herd - J & J Amusements 188 $31.17
48  Jason Tibbits - Superior Vending 188 $31.17
48  Jon Alcantara - J & J Amusements 188 $31.17
48  Joseph Scheeringa - Diltz and Sons 188 $31.17
48  Matt Muchorski - J & J Amusements 188 $31.17
48  Teghan Waggoner - Superior Vending 188 $31.17


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Women's Division A

Rank  Player  Points  Prize
1  Brandi McGauley - J & J Amusements 225 $8,000.00
2  Michelle Jost - J & J Amusements 222 $4,000.00
3  Chandra Buller - Pioneer Vending 216 $2,200.00
4  Christie Randall - Pioneer Vending 215 $1,600.00
4  Heidi Gibson - J & J Amusements 215 $1,600.00
6  Melissa Dallmier - J & J Amusements 213 $1,100.00
6  Monique Johnson - Diltz and Sons 213 $1,100.00
8  Marlene Jones - J & S Electronics 211 $800.00
9  Angie Patterson - Diltz and Sons 210 $562.50
9  Jennifer Carpenter - J & J Amuse. North 210 $562.50
9  Missy Arredondo - Diltz and Sons 210 $562.50
9  Theresa Bradley - Pioneer Vending 210 $562.50
13  Hayley Baylor - J & J Amusements 207 $325.00
13  Lora Pohlman - J & J Amusements 207 $325.00
13  Mary Brand - TNC Amusements 207 $325.00
13  Melinda Copley - City Amusement 207 $325.00
17  Alicia Alexander - J & J Amusements 206 $200.00
18  Kayleigh Neuhaus - J & J Amusements 205 $150.00
19  Donna Leal - Diltz and Sons 204 $45.45
19  Ethel Boden - City Amusement 204 $45.45
19  Mary Willman - J & J Amusements 204 $45.45
19  Nicole Fuentes - Diltz and Sons 204 $45.45
19  Sondra Toomire - City Amusement 204 $45.45
24  Ginny Matthews - Pioneer Vending 202 $45.45
24  Leticia Wardrip - Diltz and Sons 202 $45.45
26  Angi Moran - Diltz and Sons 201 $45.45
26  Bree Hacker - Pioneer Vending 201 $45.45
26  Cristy Crabtree 201 $45.45
26  Tammy Hanssen - J & J Amusements 201 $45.45
30  Rachael Karmol - Pioneer Vending 200 $45.45
30  Sarah Smythe - J & J Amusements North 200 $45.45


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Women's Division B

Rank  Player  Points  Prize
1  Karen King - J & J Amusements 223 $4,000.00
2  Judy McMullen - Ohio Vending 222 $1,800.00
3  Tiffiny Schwartzkopf - Diltz and Sons 217 $1,350.00
4  Lynn Young - J & J Amusements 216 $1,000.00
5  Janet Bergfeld - J & J Amusements 214 $800.00
6  Charity Norman - J & J Amusements 211 $600.00
7  Janice Evans - City Amusement 208 $350.00
7  Mandy Ruiz - Diltz and Sons 208 $350.00
9  Tracy Cottingham - Diltz and Sons 207 $270.00
9  Tricia Morton - J & J Amusements North 207 $270.00
11  Rhianon Smith - J & J Amusements 205 $240.00
12  Kristin Greene - Pioneer Vending  204 $220.00
13  Jenny Pearson - Reid Sales Music 201 $200.00
14  Barb Harris - Encompass Vending 200 $160.00
14  Brittany Fitzgerald - City Amusement 200 $160.00
14  Janis Stidham - Diltz and Sons 200 $160.00
17  Alexis Alexander - Diltz and Sons 199 $120.00
18  Amanda Shamhart - J & J Amusements 198 $80.00
18  Karen Mays - City Amusement 198 $80.00
18  Paige Motley - J & J Amusements 198 $80.00
21  Adriana McGill - J & J Amusements North 197 $33.33
22  Diane Wallace - Diltz and Sons 196 $33.33
22  Erica Hill - J & J Amusements 196 $33.33
22  Jennifer Lalk - J & J Amusements North 196 $33.33
22  Juli Richards - J & J Amusements 196 $33.33
22  Maria Fuentes - Diltz and Sons 196 $33.33
27  Denise Peters - J & J Amusements 195 $33.33
27  Maria Leal - Diltz and Sons 195 $33.33
27  Nicki Dieter - J & J Amusements North 195 $33.33
30  Hope Collier - J & J Amusements 194 $33.33
30  Jo Schultz - J & J Amusements 194 $33.33
30  Joanna Murphy - Diltz and Sons 194 $33.33


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Friday Uncapped Points Leader Invitational

Friday Uncapped Points Invitational: $7,500.00 was awarded at this invitational event that was open to the top 96 men and 48 women based on uncapped points from regular season play. 1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached.

Men's Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Tony Hill (J&J Amusements) & Jerod Henry (J&J Amusements North) $1,000.00
2nd  Ryan Watson (Reid Sales Music) & Ronald Buckner (J&J Amusements) $600.00
3rd  Rich King (J&J Amusements) & Franky Osborne (City Amusement) $400.00
4th  Cody Willis (J&J Amusements) & Brandon Maher (J&J Amusements North) $200.00
 5th-6th   Austin Hacker (Pioneer Vending) & Kiley Andre (City Amusement) $150.00
5th-6th  Darrin Auckland (TNC Amusements) & Kevin Shoemaker (J&J Amusements) $150.00


Men's Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Timmy Howard (City Amusement) & Tom Bowman (Reid Sales Music) $1,000.00
2nd  Andrew Riehle (Reid Sales Music) & Dan Painter (J&J Amusements) $600.00
3rd  Eric Fowler (J&J Amusements) & Robert Fruin (J&J Amusements) $400.00
4th  Lorin Riddle (J&J Amusements) & Steve Stidham (Diltz and Sons) $200.00
 5th-6th   Brad Ruot (J&J Amusements) & Michael Stubblefield (J&J Amusements) $150.00
5th-6th  Quentin Howarth (J&J Amusements North) & Tommy Coburn (Shaffer Entertainment) $150.00



 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Christie Randall (Pioneer Vending) & Celeste King (J&J Amusements) $1,000.00
2nd  Sondra Toomire (City Amusement) & Rachel Albaugh (Diltz and Sons) $600.00
3rd  Rhianon Smith (J&J Amusements) & Michelle Jost (J&J Amusements) $400.00
4th  Mary Brand (TNC Amusements) & Valerie Tischler (J&J Amusements) $200.00
 5th-6th   Donna Leal (Diltz and Sons) & Melinda Copley (City Amusement) $150.00
5th-6th  Lora Pohlman (J&J Amusements) & Jenny Pearson (Reid Sales Music) $150.00


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Friday Singles Showcase

$3,560.00 was awarded for our first Singles event. 1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached. 

Player Stats for the Singles Event


Men's Division A

 Place  Player  Prize
1st  Robert Wismeth - Wisconsin P & P Amusement $375.00
2nd  Bryan Bigham - City Amusement $275.00
3rd  Junlan Fernando - City Amusement $175.00
4th  George Daniels - Pioneer Vending $125.00
5th-6th  Dayton Strawbridge - Shaffer Entertainment $90.00
5th-6th  Kurtis Witherby - J & J Amusements North $90.00
 7th-8th   Anthony Searvogel - TNC Amusements $75.00
7th-8th  LeRoy Wozniak - TNC Amusements $75.00


Men's Division B

 Place  Player  Prize
1st  John Hastings - J & J Amusements North $375.00
2nd  Jon Lord - J & J Amusements North $275.00
3rd  Jeremy McIntire - Shaffer Entertainment $175.00
4th  Tyler Gunn - Shaffer Entertainment $125.00
5th-6th  Keith Arsenault - Lawson Music $90.00
5th-6th  Ryan Dallmier - J & J Amusements $90.00
 7th-8th   Brent Bland - J & J Amusements $75.00
7th-8th  Mike Nix - J & J Amusements $75.00



 Place  Player  Prize
1st  Missy Arredondo - Diltz and Sons $350.00
2nd  Alicia Alexander - J & J Amusements $250.00
3rd  Elissa Woods - J & J Amusements $150.00
4th  Teri Carter - TNC Amusements $100.00
5th-6th  Jamie Taucher - J & J Amusements $75.00
5th-6th  Rachael Karmol - Pioneer Vending $75.00


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Friday Extreme Sanctioned Bar Tournament

Men's and Women's Blind Draw Doubles: $17,540.00 was awarded at this event. There were separate divisions by gender and additionally by skill level based on the actual number of registrants. Players earned 5 NADO Post Season points for participation. 1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached.

Men's Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Darrin Auckland (TNC Amusements) & Tim Kaddatz (TNC Amusements) $1,200.00
2nd  James Young (Lawson Music) & Tyler Thomas (Diltz and Sons) $780.00
3rd  Mike Cawthron (J&J Amusements) & Mark Taylor (J&J Amusements) $400.00
4th  Andy Pollock (J&J Amusements) & Byron Johnson (Wisconsin P&P Amusements) $240.00
 5th-6th   Darren Dockemeyer (J&J Amusements) & George Daniels (Pioneer Vending) $180.00
5th-6th  Gerardo Fuentes (Diltz and Sons) & Joe Sargent (Wisconsin P&P Amusements) $180.00
7th-8th  Bryan Bigham (City Amusement) & Antonio Johnson (J&J Enterprises) $160.00
7th-8th  Darren Ross (J&J Amusements) & Joe Van Ham (Golden Route Operations) $160.00
 9th-12th   Chas Young (J&J Amusements) & Billy Garkey (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
9th-12th  Kevin Shoemaker (J&J Amusements) & Brad Wheeler (City Amusement) $140.00
9th-12th  Ronald Buckner (J&J Amusements) & Jordan Cross (Pioneer Vending) $140.00
9th-12th  Robert Young (J&J Amusements) & Jason Kemble (Diltz and Sons) $140.00


Men's Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Kevin Budden (J&J Amusements North) & Bryan Walker (J&J Amusements) $1,200.00
2nd  Quentin Howarth (J&J Amusements North) & Michael LeQuire (TNC Amusements) $780.00
3rd  Dave Westphal (J&J Amusements North) & Bret Roberts (Diltz and Sons) $400.00
4th  Jason Tibbits (Superior Vending) & Mark Whorley (Wisconsin P&P Amusements) $240.00
 5th-6th   George Diamond (Superior Vending) & Mike Stenger (Pioneer Vending) $180.00
5th-6th  Rene Soto (J&J Amusements North) & Jake Herd (J&J Amusements) $180.00
7th-8th  Keith Arsenault (Lawson Music) & Curtis Edwards (J&J Amusements) $160.00
7th-8th  Larry Smith (Diltz and Sons) & Jeff Peterson (TNC Amusements) $160.00
 9th-12th   Allen Stepp (Ohio Vending) & Jeremy McIntire (Shaffer Entertainment) $140.00
9th-12th  Brian Dieter (J&J Amusements North) & Steve Seagraves (City Amusement) $140.00
9th-12th  Dan Painter (J&J Amusements) & Robert Fruin (J&J Amusements) $140.00
9th-12th  Steven Cronister (J&J Amusements) & Steve Stidham (Diltz and Sons) $140.00


Men's Division C

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Dylan Roewe (J&J Amusements) & Jeff Sotak (Diltz and Sons) $1,200.00
2nd  Steve Mehrhoff (J&J Amusements) & Vince Storm (J&J Amusements) $780.00
3rd  Dale Anderson (Reid Sales Music) & Jess Lininger (TNC Amusements) $400.00
4th  Josh Flitcroft (TNC Amusements) & John Armstrong (J&J Amusements) $240.00
 5th-6th   Aaron Oehring (J&J Enterprises) & Dale Burmaster (J&J Amusements) $180.00
5th-6th  Brian Veer (J&J Amusements North) & Scott Wrobleski (J&J Amusements North) $180.00
7th-8th  Gardner McFadden Jr (Diltz and Sons) & Larry Wagner (Diltz and Sons) $160.00
7th-8th  Steve Pearson (Reid Sales Music) & Dennis Crowell (Encompass Vending) $160.00
 9th-12th   Cory Barcus (J&J Amusements) & George Scheeringa (Diltz and Sons) $140.00
9th-12th  Edward Waller (Diltz and Sons) & Mike Sturbaum (Wisconsin P&P Amusements) $140.00
9th-12th  Luke Logsdon (TNC Amusements) & Jeff Johnson (J&J Amusements) $140.00
9th-12th  Matt Angle (J&J Amusements) & Dusty Prueher (Superior Vending) $140.00


Women's Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Lora Pohlman (J&J Amusements) & Michelle Jost (J&J Amusements) $1,000.00
2nd  Alicia Alexander (J&J Amusements) & Tina Reynolds (City Amusement) $700.00
3rd  Jennifer Carpenter (J&J Amusements North) & Sara Schoenheit (J&J Amusements) $400.00
4th  Kaye Riddle (J&J Amusements) & Julie Meeks (Pioneer Vending) $240.00
 5th-6th   Carrie Fiig (Pioneer Vending) & Angie Patterson (Diltz and Sons) $180.00
5th-6th  Shellie Hudson (Pioneer Vending) & Cristy Crabtree (City Amusement) $180.00
7th-8th  Cheryl Marsh (Diltz and Sons) & Sarah Smythe (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
7th-8th  Mary Brand (TNC Amusements) & Heidi Gibson (J&J Amusements) $140.00


Women's Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Jamie Taucher (J&J Amusements) & Kathy Baker (J&J Amusements) $1,000.00
2nd  Crista Miller (Darts Plus) & Judy McMullen (Ohio Vending) $700.00
3rd  Jalyn Ferguson (City Amusement) & Casey Armstrong (J&J Amusements) $400.00
4th  Monica Davis (J&J Amusements) & Jeannie Mallicoat (J&J Amusements) $240.00
 5th-6th   Diane Wallace (Diltz and Sons) & Karen Mays (City Amusement) $180.00
5th-6th  Karen King (J&J Amusements) & Charity Norman (J&J Amusements) $180.00
7th-8th  Jessica Roberts (Reid Sales Music) & Danyelle Clark (City Amusement) $140.00
7th-8th  Tricia Morton (J&J Amusements North) & Amber Stewart (J&J Amusements) $140.00


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Saturday Bring Your Team Capped Triples

$25,200.00 was awarded at this event. There were separate divisions for each cap based on skill levels. Players earned 5 NADO Post Season points for participation. 1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached.

Player Stats for the Triples Events



130 Cap Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Beer Before Bullseyes City Amusement
Jeff Lucas, Jeremy Bowles, Justin Lavender
2nd  M Dawgs J & J Amusements North
Nicki Dieter, Rene Soto, Javier Uresti
3rd  Last Minute Superior Vending, Encompass Vending                                      
Corey King, George Diamond, Karmen Hall
4th  Any Hole Will Do J & J Amusements
Elissa Woods, Kayleigh Neuhaus, Lisa McRill
 5th-6th   The Dartsiders Diltz and Sons, Reid Sales Music
Janis Stidham, Steve Stidham, Jaime Payne
5th-6th  We Don't KnowJ & J Amusements
Tony Cusumano, Mike Saunders, Bill Gilbert
7th-8th  Brown Shaffer Entertainment
Jason Hines, Erin Sabados, Stephen Brown
7th-8th  Dart Dawgs Diltz and Sons
Greg Smith, Aaron Wallace, Richard Vera


130 Cap Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Brokeback BullseyesJ & J Amusements
David Hawkins, Tim Pezan, Tyler Pilcher
2nd  R.Gallert - J.Ross - C.Matthias Midstate Amuse., J&J Amuse. Diltz and Sons
Juanita Ross, Rob Gallert, Cammille Matthias
3rd  Brown/Mills/Higginbotham Pioneer Vending
Dan Higginbotham, Liz Brown, Kim Mills
4th  Rawdawg & Pups J & J Amusements
Jennifer Carpenter, Cameron King, Jamie Taucher
 5th-6th   Get Er Done City Amusement
Matt Fitzgerald, David Matney, Balinda Oppy
5th-6th  This Is Us Diltz and Sons
Maria Leal, Leticia Wardrip, Edward Waller
7th-8th  3 Da Hard Way Diltz and Sons
Keia Fogle, Alex Hall, Vanessa Alfaro
7th-8th  TLM J & J Amusements, J & J Amusements North
Lane Larsen, Tim Soto, Monica Davis


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160 Cap Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Underdogs City Amusement
Steve Seagraves, Richy Gandy, Seburne Watts
2nd  Dart Knights - J & J Amusements
Sean Myers, Vince Storm, Matt Angle
3rd  Tons of Bull J & J Amusements
Tammy Hanssen, Katie Damore, Mack Jonas
4th  Go Cubs Go J & J Amusements
Mike Vinson, Jon Alcantara, Katie Stern
 5th-6th   Southern Slums City Amusement
Ashlee Thompson, Jimmy Mangus, Chase Carson
5th-6th  Tickle the Pickle Wisconsin P & P Amusement
Amanda Langel, Mike Sturbaum, Demetrius CannonPage                                  
7th-8th  In the Wrong Hole J & J Amusements North
John Hastings, Jeani Camplain, Brandon Maher
7th-8th  Wilson Dickman Pioneer Vending, J & S Electronics
Brad Wilson, David Hickman, Paula Wilson


160 Cap Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Mel's Bergerking J & J Amusements
Josh Stoneberger, Melissa Dallmier, Alex King                                                   
2nd  Aaron Wilson J & J Amusements
Darren Ross, Aaron Wilson, Chris Tickle
3rd  Boomer, the Bird, the B*tchJ & J Amusements
Amanda Shamhart, Fred Ault, Jake Herd
4th  Dilly Dallies - J & J Amusements
Hayley Baylor, Glenn King, Ryan Dallmier
 5th-6th   For Shi#s and Giggles Diltz and Sons
Tessie Coatie, Monique Johnson, Terry Walker
5th-6th  We're Sexy and We Throw It Diltz and Sons
Mike Hardin, Shelby Krueger, Justin Hurley
7th-8th  3 of a Kind - Diltz and Sons
Crystal Lekarczyk, Dan Libertowski, Tom Moore
7th-8th  Money Shot Pioneer Vending
Justin Farmer, Jeff Helmer, Amanda Perkins


160 Cap Division C

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Fiddle TripsShaffer Entertainment
Jenni Higgs, Jason Ives, Chris Werner
2nd  Fiig/Griffieth/Mallicoat Pioneer Vending, J & J Amusements                      
David Fiig, Jeannie Mallicoat, Bruce Griffieth
3rd  Reverse Oreo Reid Sales Music
Georgette Watson, Ryan Watson, Kyree Washington
4th  TNC 5 TNC Amusements
Refugio Godina, Jeff Peterson, Mike Hornby
 5th-6th   SMSPioneer Vending
Shelia Davenport, Mike Stenger, Shane Neal 
5th-6th  Two Bulls and a Heifer J & J Amusements
Christopher Street, Heather Muchorski, Shain Tooley
7th-8th  Stewarts' Stone Rode J & J Amusements
Stephen Rodenberg, Chris Stoneberger, Amber Stewart
7th-8th  Team Ruthless Pioneer Vending, Shaffer Entertainment
Christina Byrd, Kenny Werner Jr, Jake Brower


160 Cap Division D

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Smith and Wilson Pioneer Vending
Kim Smith, Ron Smith, Eric Wilson
2nd  Bullboozers J & J Amusements North
Tricia Morton, Angela Naill, Jerod Henry
3rd  TNC 6 TNC Amusements
LeRoy Wozniak, Grace Lininger, Richard Kuhnke
4th  Bangin the Mistress J & J Amusements North                                                   
Sarah Smythe, Jimmy Morton, Brian Dieter
 5th-6th   Brees CompanyPioneer Vending
Dave Pitzer, Joe Hauser, Bree Hacker
5th-6th  What's the Point?J & J Amusements
Colton Verci, Julie Haskell, Thomas Verci
7th-8th  Letsss Gooooo J & J Amusements North, Diltz and Sons
Jennifer Pickett, William BI Burton, Monte Murphy
7th-8th  OpePioneer Vending
Kayla Miller, Dylan Perkins, Jordan Cross


160 Cap Division E

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Three Big DummysEncompass Vending
Elroy King, Brian Lobner, Dustin Skibo
2nd  Mind GamesJ & J Amusements
Ed Jewell, Dan Painter, Dylan Roewe
3rd  The Dart Team - Golden Route Operations
Roger Lemke, Joe Van Ham, Laura Jensen
4th  K.Arsenault - J.Young - V.KaceviciusLawson Music, J & J Amusements        
Keith Arsenault, James Young, Vicky Kacevicius
 5th-6th   Reid Sales (Bud) Reid Sales Music
Bud Crystal, Landon Garrison, Jessica Roberts
5th-6th  Screaming Eagles City Amusement
Mark Staten, Paula Staten, Brad Wheeler
7th-8th  D*mn BullsPioneer Vending
Julie Meeks, Josh Morrison, Dave Lattire
7th-8th  WAM J & J Enterprises
Wade Hambleton, Michael Moses, Aaron Oehring


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Saturday Bring Your Team Capped Doubles

$26,320.00 was awarded at this event. There were separate divisions for each cap based on skill levels. Players earned 5 NADO Post Season points for participation. 1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached.

Player Stats for the Doubles Events



75 Cap Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  He Made Me Do This - Pioneer Vending                    
Jake Brower & Heather Brower
2nd  Bushhhhhue - J & J Amusements
Jesse Bushue & Charolette Bushue
3rd  Double Cs - Pioneer Vending
Dan Cross & Jada Campos
4th  Chi Girls Inc - Diltz and Sons
Tessie Coatie & Elaine McKnight
 5th-6th   Aw Sh*t - Diltz and Sons
Jamilah Watson & Rochelle McNeal
5th-6th  Brown and Mills - Pioneer Vending
Liz Brown & Kim Mills
7th-8th  King Whiteman - J & J Amusements
Barbara Whiteman & Karen King
7th-8th  Right Thurr - City Amusement
Melinda Copley & Brittany Fitzgerald


75 Cap Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Dart Buddies - Pioneer Vending                            
Shellie Hudson & Charlie Yates
2nd  Gotta Trip Em All - Pioneer Vending
Kayla Miller & Amanda Perkins
3rd  TNC 10 - TNC Amusements
Laneikwa Patterson  Grace Lininger
4th  TNJ - J & J Amusements North
Terry Camplain & Jeani Camplain
 5th-6th   Aiming for Trouble - Diltz and Sons, Reid Sales Music
Janis Stidham & Jaime Payne
5th-6th  Clark & Hazelett - City Amusement
Danyelle Clark & Beth Hazelett
7th-8th  Encompass Dauls - Encompass Vending
Lisa Daul & Barb Harris
7th-8th  Team Bailey's - Ohio Vending
Judy McMullen & Jennifer Simons


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100 Cap Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Oops Here We Are Again - Pioneer Vending             
Eric Wilson & Ginny Matthews
2nd  Girls Wanna Have Fun - Pioneer Vending
Tami Eliason & Deb Porter
3rd  The 765 - Pioneer Vending
Austin Hines & Erin Sabados
4th  Art & Teghan - J & J Amusements, Superior Vending
Art Moore & Teghan Waggoner
 5th-6th   Earl & Cowgirl - J & J Amusements
Stan Davis & Hope Collier
5th-6th  We're Sexy and We Throw It - Diltz and Sons
Crystal Lekarczyk & Dan Libertowski
7th-8th  Crazy Fockers - J & J Amusements
Matt Muchorski & Jim Luck
7th-8th  No Funny Business - Pioneer Vending
Bree Hacker & Dylan Perkins


100 Cap Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Two Men One Dart - J & J Amusements North         
Paul Thompson & Sean Jergens
2nd  OHO's - J & J Amusements
Dan Painter & Alex Boggs
3rd  TNC 11 - J & J Amusements, TNC Amusements
Aaron Wilson & Jeff Williamson
4th  It Doesn't Matter - Shaffer Entertainment
Bobby Floyd & Misty Cramer
 5th-6th   Baby Jesus & Rawdawg - J & J Amusements
Cameron King & Alex King
5th-6th  Takin Ova - J & J Amusements North, Diltz and Sons
Jennifer Pickett & Monte Murphy
7th-8th  Kyle&Tom - Diltz and Sons
Tom Holmer & Kyle Severance
7th-8th  TNC 8 - TNC Amusements
Josh Flitcroft & Richard Kuhnke


100 Cap Division C

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Alaskans - Pioneer Vending                                       
Shelley Archer & Shane Neal
2nd  Kickstand Superior Vending
Dusty Prueher & Jason Tibbits
3rd  Who Dey - City Amusement
Ashlee Thompson & Timmy Howard
4th  Bushwhackers - J & J Amusements North
Brian Veer & Brian Pals
 5th-6th   Bourbon & Bulls - Encompass Vending
Roy Harris & Dave Stewart
5th-6th  Mike & KG - Pioneer Vending
Mike Stenger & Kristin Greene
7th-8th  Scream and Shout - Diltz and Sons
Terry Hall & Angie Patterson
7th-8th  Terri's Boys - Encompass Vending
Tim Rueckl & Brian Jaeger


100 Cap Division D

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  R.Gallert & N.Dieter - Midstate Amuse., J&J Amuse. North
Nicki Dieter & Rob Gallert
2nd  Young Blick - Reid Sales Music
Dave Blickenstaff & Chad Young
3rd  Stupid Game - J & J Amusements
Jason Higgins & Jennifer Saunders
4th  A&E - City Amusements
Eddie Evans & Arthur Braden
 5th-6th   BigNLilN - Midstate Amusements
Mike Blau & Cody Hughes
5th-6th  We Like Long Shafts Diltz and Sons
Nicole Fuentes & Rachel Albaugh
7th-8th  Double Trouble 5 - Pioneer Vending
Scott Roberts & Hope Johnson
7th-8th  Pontigo's - Reid Sales Music
Natasha Pontigo & David Pontigo


100 Cap Division E

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Bent Shafts - City Amusement                                       
Jeremy Bowles & Justin Lavender 
2nd  One Hole Out - Reid Sales Music
Amanda Storms & Robert Storms
3rd  Kingers - Encompass Vending
Elroy King & Corey King
4th  Sarah and Miranda - Diltz and Sons
Miranda Kellogg & Sarah Abbiehl
 5th-6th   Pohlman Brothers - Superior Vending
Al Pohlman & Karl Pohlman
5th-6th  Rick & Larry - City Amusement
Rick Steele & Larry Fitzgerald
7th-8th  H and M - J & J Amusements
Mary Willman & Heidi Gibson
7th-8th  Pearsons - Reid Sales Music
Jenny Pearson & Steve Pearson


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125 Cap Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Back to Giggitys - Pioneer Vending                                  
Joe Hauser & Austin Hacker
2nd  Fiig/Cessna - Pioneer Vending
David Fiig & Joyce Cessna
3rd  Double B Slides - J & J Amusements North
Brandon Maher & Brian Dieter
4th  Pohlman/Pollock - J & J Amusements
Lora Pohlman & Andy Pollock
 5th-6th   Darren Dockemeyer - J & J Amusements
Darren Dockemeyer & Fredric Jones
5th-6th  King Neuhaus - J & J Amusements
Jeremy Neuhaus & Rich King
7th-8th  Team Toonces - Shaffer Entertainment
Steve May & Corbin Jarvis
7th-8th  That's Adorable - Wisconsin P&P Amuse., Racine Amuse.
Trina Reed & Byron Johnson


125 Cap Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Single N Handicapped - J & J Amusements North           
Jimmy Morton & Billy Garkey
2nd  Just Average - Superior Vending
Mitch Berrum & Jen Lindow
3rd  Boomer & Bird  - J & J Amusements
Fred Ault & Jake Herd
4th  Dumb and Dumber - City Amusement, J & J Amusements
Jeffrey Hazelett & Thomas Verci
 5th-6th   Michael Meyers 13th - J & J Amusements
Tom West & Sean Myers
5th-6th  Whatever He Wants - J & J Amusements
Shawn Pohlman & Valerie Tischler
7th-8th  Scarberry and Crabtree - City Amusement
Rick Scarberry & Bruce Crabtree
7th-8th  TNC 5 - TNC Amusements
Michael LeQuire & David Trapp


125 Cap Division C

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Ol' Smokey - Pioneer Vending                                         
Jordan Cross & Dave Lattire
2nd  TNC 4 - TNC Amusements
Tim Kaddatz & Teri Carter
3rd  Stormin Oiler - City Amusement
Robert Oiler & Bill Norman
4th  Cookie & Shortcake - J & J Amusements
Elissa Woods & Colton Verci
 5th-6th   Kickstands - Wisconsin P & P Amusement
Joe Sargent & Tom Woelfel
5th-6th  Morr Is Better - J & J Amusements
Alex Morris & Ryan Dallmier
7th-8th  Dart Bag Mafia - City Amusement
Junlan Fernando & Chuck Jones
7th-8th  Wizzkid's Big D - Pioneer Vending, Wisconsin P&P Amuse.
Krissy Johnson & Robert Wismeth


125 Cap Division D

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Banging Holes - Pioneer Vending                                          
Mike Crooks & Corey Braden
2nd  Kick Em in the D - Wisconsin P & P Amusement
Mike Sturbaum & Dale Hirt
3rd  Thompson Squared - Shaffer Entertainment
Ron Thompson & Robin Thompson
4th  Talking Heads - Shaffer Entertainment
Chris Werner & Shawn House
 5th-6th   Dart Daddy - Shaffer Entertainment
Becky Tigner & Patrick McGinnis
5th-6th  Where's the Bukka - J & J Amusements North
Tammy Morga & Kurtis Witherby
7th-8th  Paul & Barbie Diltz and Sons
Paul Cichos & Barbie Gruler
7th-8th  Salt&Peppa - J & J Amusements
Curtis Edwards & Addison Baxter


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Sunday A/B/C Doubles Finale Points Shootout

$26,000.00 was awarded at this event. There were separate divisions by gender and additionally by skill level based on the actual number of registrants. This was a blind draw event within each division. Players earned between 15 and 55 NADO Post Season points based on their finishing position in their division. 

1st - 3rd Places in each division have photos attached.

Men's Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Jerod Henry (J&J Amusements North) & CK Miller (Ohio Vending) $2,000.00
2nd  Tyler Thomas (Diltz and Sons) & Mack Jonas (J&J Amusements) $1,500.00
3rd  George Daniels (Pioneer Vending) & Johnathan Peppers (Diltz and Sons) $1,000.00
4th  Bryan Bigham (City Amusement) & Wojciech Baluch (J&J Amusements) $500.00
 5th-6th   Darrin Auckland (TNC Amusements) & Timmy Howard (City Amusement) $300.00
5th-6th  Patrick Spry (City Amusement) & John Hastings (J&J Amusements North) $300.00
7th-8th  Jason Kemble (Diltz and Sons) & David Banks (J&J Amusements North) $210.00
7th-8th  Paul Cichos (Diltz and Sons) & Larry Smith (Diltz and Sons) $210.00
 9th-12th   Antonio Johnson (J&J Amusements) & Alan Pfeil (Encompass Vending) $180.00
9th-12th  Gerardo Fuentes (Diltz and Sons) & Patrick McGinnis (Shaffer Entertainment) $180.00
9th-12th  Robert Young (J&J Amusements) & Michael LeQuire (TNC Amusements) $180.00
9th-12th  Tyler Montgomery (J&J Amusements) & Darren Ross (J&J Amusements) $180.00
13th-16th  Jimmy Morton (J&J Amusements North) & Jordan Cross (Pioneer Vending) $160.00
13th-16th  Mitch Berrum (Superior Vending) & Jimmy Lowe (J&J Amusements) $160.00
13th-16th  Brad Wilson (Pioneer Vending) & Robert Wismeth (Wisconsin P&P Amusement) $160.00
13th-16th  Tim Donahue (J&J Amusements) & Bradyn Neuhaus (J&J Amusements) $160.00
17th-24th  Jim Brockert (J&J Enterprises) & Bud Crystal (Reid Sales Music) $140.00
17th-24th  Bryan Walker (J&J Amusements) & Byron Johnson (Wisconsin P&P Amusement) $140.00
17th-24th  Kyle Jackson (Pioneer Vending) & Bobby Koehler (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
17th-24th  Darren Dockemeyer (J&J Amusements) & Mike Brashear (J&J Amusements) $140.00
17th-24th  Justin Hurley (Diltz and Sons) & Jimmy Mangus (City Amusement) $140.00
17th-24th  William BI Burton (Diltz and Sons) & Nick Whitt (City Amusement) $140.00
17th-24th  Anthony SearVogel (TNC Amusements) & Ryan Dallmier (J&J Amusements) $140.00
17th-24th  Richy Gandy (City Amusement) & Franky Osborne (City Amusement) $140.00


Men's Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Joseph Watson (Diltz and Sons) & George Diamond (Superior Vending) $2,000.00
2nd  Jason Tibbits (Superior Vending) & Bryan Youness (Superior Vending) $1,500.00
3rd  Eric Wilson (Pioneer Vending) & Karl Pohlman (Superior Vending) $1,000.00
4th  David Bragg Jr (J&S Electronics) & Dylan Roewe (J&J Amusements) $500.00
 5th-6th   Greg Smith (Diltz and Sons) & Mike Hornby (TNC Amusements) $300.00
5th-6th  Robert Storms (Reid Sales Music) & Andy Veres (Pioneer Vending) $300.00
7th-8th  Michael Stubblefield (J&J Amusements) & Dan Higginbotham (Pioneer Vending) $210.00
7th-8th  John Armstrong (J&J Amusements) & Todd Nelson (J&J Amusements) $210.00
 9th-12th   Alex King (J&J Amusements) & Josh Davis (Reid Sales Music) $180.00
9th-12th  Gardner McFadden Jr (Diltz and Sons) & Richard Vera (Diltz and Sons) $180.00
9th-12th  Tyler Gunn (Shaffer Entertainment) & Brad Phillips (Shaffer Entertainment) $180.00
9th-12th  Tim Soto (J&J Amusements North) & Jon Alcantara (J&J Amusements) $180.00
13th-16th  Keith Arsenault (Lawson Music) & Braden Blickenstaff (Reid Sales Music) $160.00
13th-16th  Matt Fitzgerald (City Amusement) & Dave Stewart (Encompass Vending) $160.00
13th-16th  Shawn McCarthy (Catskill Amusements) & Oscar Love (Pioneer Vending) $160.00
13th-16th  Vincent Outlaw (Diltz and Sons) & Tom Woelfel (Wisconsin P&P Amusement) $160.00
17th-24th  Eric Fowler (J&J Amusements) & Addison Baxter (J&J Amusements) $140.00
17th-24th  Steve Hubbard (J&J Amusements) & Aaron Lawhorn (Shaffer Entertainment) $140.00
17th-24th  Brent Bland (J&J Amusements) & Brian Jaeger (Encompass Vending) $140.00
17th-24th  Dale Burmaster (J&J Amusements) & Scott Wrobleski (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
17th-24th  Dan Painter (J&J Amusements) & Jonathan Barrow (J&J Amusements) $140.00
17th-24th  Dave Westphal (J&J Amusements North) & Neal Yates (Pioneer Vending) $140.00
17th-24th  Roger Lemke (Golden Route Operations) & Kriss Myles (Diltz and Sons) $140.00
17th-24th  Stephen Rodenberg (J&J Amusements) & Brad Ruot (J&J Amusements) $140.00


Women's Division A

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Amy Jenkins (Pioneer Vending) & Christie Randall (Pioneer Vending) $1,500.00
2nd  Kim Smith (Pioneer Vending) & Brandi McGauley (J&J Amusements) $900.00
3rd  Michelle Jost (J&J Amusements) & Samantha Boivin (TNC Amusements) $520.00
4th  Heidi Gibson (J&J Amusements) & Nancy Riederer (J&J Enterprises) $300.00
 5th-6th   Ally McQueen (Shaffer Entertainment) & Happy Jackson (Diltz and Sons) $200.00
5th-6th  Chandra Buller (Pioneer Vending) & Missy Arredondo (Diltz and Sons) $200.00
7th-8th  Carrie Nielsen (J&J Enterprises) & Melissa Dallmier (J&J Amusements) $160.00
7th-8th  Monique Johnson (Diltz and Sons) & Marlene Jones (J&S Electronics) $160.00
 9th-12th   Alicia Alexander (J&J Amusements) & Theresa Bradley (Pioneer Vending) $140.00
9th-12th  Tammy Morga (J&J Amusements North) & Angie Patterson (Diltz and Sons) $140.00
9th-12th  Mary Willman (J&J Amusements) & Jennifer Carpenter (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
9th-12th  Kelli Rinear (Pioneer Vending) & Corey King (Encompass Vending) $140.00


Women's Division B

 Place  Players  Prize
1st  Dawn Allison (Diltz and Sons) & Jamie Taucher (J&J Amusements) $1,500.00
2nd  Tiffiny Schwartzkopf (Diltz and Sons) & Karen King (J&J Amusements) $900.00
3rd  Judy McMullen (Ohio Vending) & Lynn Young (J&J Amusements) $520.00
4th  Elaine McKnight (Diltz and Sons) & Karmen Hall (Superior Vending) $300.00
 5th-6th   Laneikwa Patterson (TNC Amusements) & Janet Bergfeld (J&J Amusements) $200.00
5th-6th  Janice Evans (City Amusements) & Mandy Ruiz (Diltz and Sons) $200.00
7th-8th  Charity Norman (J&J Amusements) & Julie Haskell (J&J Amusements) $160.00
7th-8th  Rhianon Smith (J&J Amusements) & Tracy Cottingham (Diltz and Sons) $160.00
 9th-12th   Stacey Ladner (Diltz and Sons) & Adriana McGill (J&J Amusements North) $140.00
9th-12th  Grace Lininger (TNC Amusements) & Jo Schultz (J&J Amusements) $140.00
9th-12th  Heather Muchorski (J&J Amusements) & Rochelle McNeal (Diltz and Sons) $140.00
9th-12th  Barb Harris (Encompass Vending) & Monica Davis (J&J Amusements) $140.00


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