NADO-Managed Remote Leagues General Info
We need 6-8 teams to start each league.
Leagues are a 14-week season (maximum).
Game formats are based on skill levels.
Start time varies by league but will always be based on Central time zone.
- $20 Per Player Singles, 13 games
- $40 for Doubles ($20 each), 15 games
- $80 for 4-Player ($20 each), 15 games
League Fee Breakdown For All Leagues (Per Player/Night)
- $10 League Fees Prize Money
- $2.50 NADO Players Fee
- $0.50 Remote Player Fee
- $2.00 Remote Tournament Fee (for Spectacular Saturday)
- Remaining $$ are Dart Board Fees to play the games
Singles Match Formats - Rating 59.9 & lower |
Singles Match Formats - Rating 60.0 & Above |
Each player will play in all 13 games as follows |
Each player will play in all 13 games as follows |
Game 1 |
301 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 1 |
501 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 2 |
301 OI/OO |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 2 |
501 OI/OO |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 4 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 4 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 5 |
301 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 5 |
501 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 6 |
301 OI/OO |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 6 |
501 OI/OO |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 9 |
501 OI/OO |
H1.V1 |
Singles |
Game 9 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull |
H1.V1 |
Singles |
Game 10 |
501 OI/OO |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 10 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 11 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 11 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 12 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 12 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Singles |
Game 13 |
501 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
Game 13 |
701 DI/DO Split Bull |
H1,V1 |
Singles |
NADO Doubles 99.9 & below Plus ALL Mixed Doubles Match Formats |
Doubles ( 100.0 to 120) Match Formats w/Single Games |
Each player will play in all 15 games as follows |
Each player will play in 12 of 15 games as follows |
Game 1 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 1 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 2 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 2 |
Cricket /200 |
V2,H2 |
Player 2 |
Game 3 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 4 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 4 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V1 |
Player 1 |
Game 5 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 5 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 6 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 6 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 7 |
501 OI/OO |
H2,V1 |
Player 2 |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 8 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 9 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 9 |
501 OI/OO |
H1,V2 |
Player 1 |
Game 10 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 10 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 11 |
501 OI/OO Stacked |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 11 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 12 |
501 OI/OO Stacked |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 12 |
Cricket /200 |
H2,V2 |
Player 2 |
Game 13 |
501 OI/OO Stacked |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 13 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H2,V2,H1,V1 |
Team |
Game 14 |
501 OI/OO Stacked |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 14 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Player 1 |
Game 15 |
501 OI/OO Stacked |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 15 |
701 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Masters Doubles (120.01 & above) w/Single Games |
Each Player will play in 12 of 15 games as follows |
Game 1 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 2 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 stacked |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 4 |
Cricket /200 stacked |
H1,V1,H2,V2 |
Team |
Game 5 |
501 OI/OO |
H1,V1 |
Player 1 |
Game 6 |
501 OI/OO |
V2,H2 |
Player 2 |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 |
H2,V1 |
Player 2 |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 |
H1,V2 |
Player 1 |
Game 9 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
H2,V1,H1,V2 |
Team |
Game 10 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V2,H2,V1,H1 |
Team |
Game 11 |
Cricket /200 |
V1,H1 |
Player 1 |
Game 12 |
Cricket /200 |
H2,V2 |
Player 2 |
Game 13 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 14 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
H2,V2,H1,V1 |
Team |
Game 15 |
Cricket /400 Team |
V1,H2,V2,H1 |
Team |
NADO 4 Person Team (250.00 Cap) |
NADO 4 Person Team (200.00 Cap) |
Game 1 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
H3,V1,H1,V4 |
Team |
Game 1 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H3,V1,H1,V4 |
Team |
Game 2 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H4,V3,H2 |
Team |
Game 2 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H4,V3,H2 |
Team |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V2,H3,V3 |
Team |
Game 3 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V2,H3,V3 |
Team |
Game 4 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
H3,V3,H2,V4 |
Team |
Game 4 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H3,V3,H2,V4 |
Team |
Game 5 |
501 OI/OO Freeze |
V2,H1,V1,H4 |
Team |
Game 5 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V2,H1,V1,H4 |
Team |
Game 6 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V2,H4,V3,H2,V4,H3,V1,H1 |
All Play |
Game 6 |
501 OI/OO Solid Bull Freeze |
V2,H4,V3,H2,V4,H3,V1,H1 |
All Play |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V4,H2,V1 |
Team |
Game 7 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H1,V4,H2,V1 |
Team |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V3,H3,V2,H4 |
Team |
Game 8 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
V3,H3,V2,H4 |
Team |
Game 9 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H2,V1,H4,V4 |
Team |
Game 9 |
Cricket /200 Stacked |
H2,V1,H4,V4 |
Team |
Game 10 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V4,H3,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 10 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V4,H3,V2,H1 |
Team |
Game 11 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
H4,V2,H2,V3 |
Team |
Game 11 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H4,V2,H2,V3 |
Team |
Game 12 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V4,H4,V2,H1,V1,H3,V3,H2 |
All Play |
Game 12 |
501 OI/OO Solid Bull Freeze |
V4,H4,V2,H1,V1,H3,V3,H2 |
All Play |
Game 13 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
H2,V3,H1,V4 |
Team |
Game 13 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
H2,V3,H1,V4 |
Team |
Game 14 |
501 DI/DO Split Bull Freeze |
V1,H3,V2,H4 |
Team |
Game 14 |
301 OI/OO Freeze |
V1,H3,V2,H4 |
Team |
Game 15 |
Cricket /400 Team |
H4,V4,H1,V2,H2,V3,H3,V1 |
All Play |
Game 15 |
501 OI/OO Solid Bull Freeze |
H4,V4,H1,V2,H2,V3,H3,V1 |
All Play |